Conversations that Matter: The Future of the Arts and Humanities

EDITOR IN CHIEF By EDITOR IN CHIEF | junio 01, 2014 | Italy

4 giugno 2014 ore 16,00 American Academy in Rome Via Angelo Masina, 5

Il consiglio di amministrazione dell'American Academy in Rome
Mary Margaret Jones, FAAR'98, Presidente del consiglio di amministrazione
Mark Robbins, FAAR'97, Presidente
Christopher S. Celenza, FAAR'94, Direttore

hanno il piacere di invitarla ad una nuova edizione di

Conversations that Matter:
The Future of the Arts and Humanities 

4 giugno 2014 ore 16,00
American Academy in Rome
Via Angelo Masina, 5

Partecipano Simon During, Tim Parks, Jed Perl e Kimberly Bowes, FAAR'06, Andrew W. Mellon Professor-in-Charge of the School of Classical Studies, moderato dal direttore dell’Accademia Christopher S. Celenza.


The Trustees of the American Academy in Rome
Mary Margaret Jones, FAAR'98, Chair of the Board of Trustees
Mark Robbins, FAAR'97, President
Christopher S. Celenza, FAAR'94, Director

request the pleasure of your company at the next event in the series

Conversations that Matter:
The Future of the Arts and Humanities

4 June 2014 at 4pm
American Academy in Rome
Via Angelo Masina, 5

Panelists include Simon During, Tim Parks, Jed Perl and Kimberly Bowes, FAAR'06, Andrew W. Mellon Professor-in-Charge of the School of Classical Studies, moderated by AAR Director Christopher S. Celenza.

  • Tags:   american academy in rome roberto masiero mary margaret jones mark robbins christopher s. celenza
  • Categories:  Books Culture

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