Thursday, 13 March 2025

Soldini and Maserati winning combination ...

tony  curtis By tony curtis | February 17, 2013 | United States

A 70-foot sailboat named "Maserati" (from the name of a luxury car) skippered by a top Italian sailor is on the last leg of a grueling record-breaking race from New York to San Francisco.

The Maserati's skipper is Giovanni Soldini, 47, who has sailed around the world alone and holds several sailing records.

The Maserati sailed from New York on New Year's Eve and if it arrives Friday it will have made the voyage in 46 days, faster than the record of 57 days  set in 1998 by the Aquitane Innovation.

Soldini and a crew of eight aboard the Maserati are expected to set a record for single-hulled sailing vessels on the New York-to-San Francisco passage.

If all goes well, it will be a triumphant end of a 13,225-mile voyage around Cape Horn at the tip of South America that is considered one of the toughest sailing challenges in the world.

The voyage around Cape Horn is historically significant since it was the route taken by the clipper ships during the California Gold Rush and the trip usually took 200 days.

The race from New York takes weeks and involves a voyage through some of the most difficult seas in the world.

At board of the Maserati there is a multinational crew. There are a couple of Italians, but the crew also has Spanish, French, Chinese and American nationals on board.

The navigator, Ryan Breymaier, 37, is an American who learned to sail on Chesapeake Bay. In Fact Breymaier has had an important role in helping to chart the voyage away from areas of high atmospheric pressure, little wind and around storm systems

 It can say that Soldini and his crew have been lucky. The weather around Cape Horn was favorable for the passage,

But in the last few days  the winds died away, slowing the boat.  "The winds are unstable" Soldini wrote "we have to tack continuously. These last miles will be very hard."

The arrival at  San Francisco will be greeted by a large celebration  for the Maserati when it arrives....Soldini continues  the great tradition of Christopher Columbus and Amerigo Vespucci!

  • Tags:   Giovanni Soldini Maserati 70-foot_sailboat top_Italian_sailor record-breaking race New York San Francisco New_Year's_Eve 46_days 57_days_in_1998 Aquitane_Innovation single-hulled_sailing New_York-to-San_Francisco_passage 13 225-mile_voyage Cape Horn South_America California_Gold_Rush multinational_crew Italians Spanish French Chinese American nationals navigator_Ryan Breymaier 37 Chesapeake_Bay atmospheric_pressure little_wind storm_systems Christopher Columbus Amerigo Vespucci
  • Categories:  Business Culture Education Good News Healthy Living Life & Style Media Politics Science Sports Tech Travel

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