By giuseppe appetecchia
| ottobre 24, 2017
| United States
The Burroughs High School football team in Ridgecrest honored our military. They were going onto the football field bringing large American flags and singing "God Bless the U.S.A." and they sent a message to the National Football League. Several listeners of the Todd Starnes Radio Show alerted us to the massive public display of patriotism of this team. The head coach Todd Mather told the Todd Starnes Show. “I told the kids that politics don't have a place in high school sports. I told them we stand for the national anthem. That's what you do as an American in this country." At the conclusion of the song, the game announcer told the crowd they were living in the “best country on the face of this Earth.” Parent Tina Haugen filmed the incredible moment. "It was absolutely amazing," she said. "Our community is unbelievably patriotic. Everybody was clapping and cheering." "The young men on the football team and the good citizens of Ridgecrest should be commended for their public display of patriotism." They reminded the nation that there are plenty of folks who are proud to be Americans. If you want to see the video click here : https://www.facebook.com/tinacabanahaugen/videos/10214604625890216/