The Difference Between a Success Coach and Counselor

samuel  flynn By samuel flynn | agosto 12, 2021 | United States

I thought it Would be A great topic to talk about the difference of a Job Coach and Counselor

So I am sure most of you are familiar with “job counseling” or known as “Success Coach” ,which the coach is there

to help you become successful and help you with what you need work on at work.

Counseling – Is a Profession and most people have to go to school for that to even work as counselor in some states it’s required to have a Bachelors and/or Masters Degree in Counseling before you can even get your hands into the field if you have that degree well great you can become a counselor anywhere with that behind you but it must be a degree in counselor or EDS (Doctor of Education) .

Sometimes there is a certification that churchs allow you to counseling under Christian Counseling with out the degree .

ALL that is required is “Have an Excellent GPA and References or 3 recommendations as Pastor or Deacon” and then you should be set but it depends on the school if they allow you to become a mentor to which give you more lead way to counseling,

Anyways lets not be confused that there is a difference HERE because Job Coaches can’t really be counselors because they either may not have the degree that says Yes you can be counselor in your state . IT IS MANDATORY TO GET STATE LICENSED OR CERTIFIED in Counseling to even practice counseling and on top of that a DEGREEE too .

However I’m sure most of you have been told on the job by some manager that Hey I can counsel you but “Question is” :  ARE YOU STATE CERTIFIED AND DO YOU HAVE PAPERS TO PROVE YOU CAN COUNSEL IN YOUR STATE AND DO YOU HAVE A DEGREE, IN THAT FIELD IF NOT You may want to report it to the state that you live in and find out if your manager may be eligible to counsel people because NOT just anyone can just go into the field and play Psychologist or Doctor for the Day there needs to proof and a Degree behind that person because , “YOU SIMPLY DON’T WANT TO LEAD A PERSON OR PERSONS THE WRONG WAY AND YOU DON’T WANT TO BE A LIABILITY BECAUSE YOU PLAYED COUNSELOR OR PSYCHOLOGIST OR DOCTOR For the DAY..

Furthermore, So my Gist of this entire article is know there are restrictions on a job coach where he or she can only go so far, whereas a counselor that has a degree and certified by state and can help you mentally and do sessions per week .

And Also what else is required to Counsel people is a Insurance Liability Policy when Counseling someone as well and approval from your state's health Board that you can Counsel people.

Remember in Code of Ethics is  : Do not Diagnose or prescribe or treat someone outside of your legal training for which you are Qualified in.


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