Saturday, 07 September 2024

Mario Balotelli and The Manchester City

david kingstrom By david kingstrom | December 16, 2012 | United Kingdom

The relationship between super Mario and his team, Manchester City, are not the best. So much so that the player has contested a maxi-penalty of 340,000 pounds (over € 410,000) to his club taking it to court.

According to the Daily Mail, the Club has imposed a heavy penalty for repeated undisciplined conduct of the player. Balotelli will be present in the Courtroom Wednesday, in London, in front of an independent Commission consisting of  two Members.

In case of unfavorable verdict, Balotelli will have to take responsibility for the costs. Yesterday, the player has not been used by coach Roberto Mancini in the match of Premier League which the English champions won 3-1 on the field of Newcastle.

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