miércoles, 18 diciembre 2024

Routine and organisation are by-words

david kingstrom By david kingstrom | marzo 09, 2013 | United Kingdom

Emma and Martin Robbins were told by their doctors to abort two of their naturally conceived quads - at odds of 750,000 to one - to save the others.

But a year after defying the advice of medical experts, the couple are celebrating the first birthdays of their four healthy boys - Samuel, Reuben, Joshua and Zachary.

The Robbins’ quadruplets turned one last week and their birthday presents  (four blankets, a tent, a rocking snail and some plastic musical instruments)  are arranged neatly in the family’s semi-detached home.

Routine and organisation are by-words for their parents Emma and Martin, who know that chaos would ensue if their sons’ lives were not regulated with military precision.

"Even their menu is recorded on spreadsheets"  says Emma "We know what the boys will be eating in two weeks’ time, and all their food is freshly prepared and seasonal. This week they’ll have squash risotto, chicken and winter vegetables, Bolognese, fish and a Sunday roast. I cook for us all, then puree their meals"

  • Tags:   Emma and Martin Robbins doctors ab ort two_of_their_quads 750 000 first_birthdays four_healthy_boys Samuel Reuben Joshua Zachary Robbins’_quadruplets four_blankets tent rocking_snail plastic_musical_instruments Routine organization by-words military precision menu spreadsheets food freshly seasonal risotto chicken winter_vegetables Bolognese fish Sunday_roast.
  • Categories:  Culture Education Good News Healthy Living Life & Style Parents Science Tech Women

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