Renaissance Evolution is pleased to participate in the AWA Academy events to foster universal cultural inclusion.

EDITOR IN CHIEF By EDITOR IN CHIEF | marzo 05, 2022 | United States

We see AWAA as a 'cross-media epicenter' where the culture, music, and the arts, in general, are even more stimulating intellectually if they rhyme with sharing, wherever possible to do it.

Washington, D.C. March 7, 2022

Renaissance Evolution is pleased to participate in the AWA Academy events to foster universal cultural inclusion. 

Renaissance Revolution (RE) is a cultural and educational think-tank. Our purpose is to gain an understanding of how humans can best flourish, promote social cohesion, and optimize wellbeing at all levels of society. 

Renaissance Evolution is also an official agent of the Italian government and partners with the Italian Consulate General of Miami to promote the Italian language and culture in the southeast of the USA and the Caribbean Islands. 

Renaissance Evolution creates positively disruptive and innovative methodologies that facilitate the interaction of people, academic institutions, governments, and businesses both locally and around the globe. 

One powerful way is offering the Chief Cultural Officer certificate that aims at providing the knowledge to become an expert in understanding high-level cultural business and Government interaction in today's globalization, be part of a high-level worldwide network of managers, officials, and academics with an edge for cultural diplomacy. 

Culture is the intersection of ideas and values that constitute a group. reworks to stimulate intercultural dialogue and cooperation among individuals from across the world, fostering openness and a sense of genuine inclusiveness. an understanding of culture and its place in history can help us build a better future based on multicultural cohesion and conflict prevention and create a vision that promotes civil conscience in people of all nations.

Kay Bird

CYBEREPORT - Renaissance Evolution Media Center



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