Orlando Cruz, coming out to record

Alice Willi By Alice Willi | octubre 09, 2012 | United States

Orlando Cruz, Puerto Rican featherweight with 18 hits, 2 losses and 1 equal, now holds a "coming out" to record. He himself said he was Gay, taking the first official coming out of the boxing world.

"I always have been and I'm proud, just as I have always been proud to be Puerto Rican. I will not hide, I decided to come out just as my career is on the rise: I want to be the best possible model for kids who see an opportunity in professional boxing. "

The news, as you can understand as well come from the world of boxing, has created quite a stir in the masculine environment boxing and much more! Orlando Cruz is ready to make the jump to the highest peaks of the world with the next fight in the ring. On October 19, he will go into the ring against Mexican Jorge Pazos. A win would take he very, very high.

One of the first to congratulate Orlando Cruz was the lead singer Ricky Martin (who  left us with an open mouth at the news of his being Gay) who on Twitter told him: "Thank you for your courage."

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