Monday, 31 March 2025

Miart : 148 international art galleries in Milan

Alice Willi By Alice Willi | March 06, 2014 | United States

A total of 148 international modern and contemporary art and design galleries, including 60 foreign participants, will be hosted by miart in pavilion 3 at fieramilanocity, from 28 to 30 March.

They will be divided into four different sections: Established (galleries of modern and contemporary art), Emergent (20 young galleries selected by Andrew Bonacina, Chief Curator, The Hepworth, Wakefield), THENnow (8 pairs of artists of different generations compared, curated by Giovanni Carmine, Director, Kunst Halle Sankt Gallen and Alexis Vaillant, Chief Curator, CAPC Bordeaux) and Object (devoted to modern and contemporary limited-edition design, curated by Federica Sala, Partner PS Design Consultants, Milan), as well as the special project for miart 2014 Conflux, curated by Abaseh Mirvali, independent producer & curator, presenting a selection of galleries from Latin America, the Middle East and Europe.

While the exhibition runs, there will also be miartalks, conferences, conversations and interviews organised in collaboration with the Goethe-Institut Mailand. These will give 38 big international names (artists, designers, museum directors, fashion designers, critics, curators and collectors) a chance to have their say about the four cornerstones that make Milan a global benchmark city: art, collection, design and fashion.

As for past editions, there will once again be Awards and Acquisition Funds in collaboration with institutional partners: the Giampiero Cantoni acquisition fund of Fondazione Fiera Milano; the Emergent Award; the Rotary Club Milano Brera Award for contemporary art and young artists.

Another ongoing feature is collaboration with FRAC Champagne Ardenne, which has chosen miart as the ideal format for acquisition of contemporary art to add to public collections and with ACACIA (Italian Association of Friends of Contemporary Art), which will be presenting the eleventh edition of its award to support and promote the creativity of a young artist.

Thanks to close collaboration between miart and all the public and private bodies that promote and spread awareness of art in Milan, 21 March will mark the start of a series of events, inaugurations and special openings in the city: from Palazzo Reale, with its big exhibition on Piero Manzoni, to the PAC - Contemporary Art Pavilion - with one on Regina José Galindo, and the GAM - Modern Art Gallery - with “Year after Year".  Works on paper from the UBS Art Collection”, via the HangarBicocca (a retrospective of Cildo Meireles and exhibition of Micol Assaël) and the Triennale, with the exhibition of two artists from the future, Ian Cheng and Michael E. Smith.

Participating galleries 2014
A Palazzo
, Brescia / Ancient & Modern, London / AMT, Bratislava / Aria d’Italia, Milan / Arte 92, Milan / Arte CentroLattuada Studio, Milan-New York / Artesilva, Seregno / Alfonso Artiaco, Naples / Enrico Astuni, Bologna / Laura Bartlett, London / Rod Barton, London / Galleria Bergamo, Bergamo / Bianconi, Milan / Blu, Milan / BolteLang, Zurich / Thomas Brambilla, Bergamo / Brand New Gallery, Milan / Sandy Brown, Berlin / Brundyn Gonsalves, Cape Town / Ca’ di Fra’, Milan / Cardelli & Fontana, Sarzana / Cardi, Milan-Pietrasanta / Carlos / Ishikawa, London / Centro Steccata, Parma-Milan / Circus, Berlin | Claudio Poleschi Arte Contemporanea, Lucca / Clifton Benevento, New York / C L E A R I N G, Brooklyn-Brussels / Collicaligreggi, Catania / Contini, Venice-Cortina d’Ampezzo-Mestre / Continua, San Gimignano-Beijing-Le Moulin / Raffaella Cortese, Milan / Cortesi Contemporary, Lugano / Guido Costa Projects, Turin / Riccardo Crespi, Milan / Studio Dabbeni, Lugano / Monica De Cardenas, Milan-Zuoz / Massimo De Carlo, Milan-London / Luisa Delle Piane, Milan / Demosmobilia, Chiasso / Dep Art, Milan / Design Gallery Milano, Milan / Die Galerie, Frankfurt / Dilmos, Milan / Anat Ebgi, Los Angeles / Eidos Immagini Contemporanee, Asti / Erastudio, Milan / Essex Street, New York / Isabelle van den Eynde, Dubai / Fabbrica Eos, Milan / Frediano Farsetti, Florence / Fluxia, Milan / Foxy Production, New York / Freedman Fitzpatrick, Los Angeles / Freymond-Guth, Zurich / Lars Friedrich, Berlin / Frittelli Arte Contemporanea, Florence / Frutta, Rome / Fumagalli, Milan / Gariboldi, Milan / Gasconade, Milan / Gaudel de Stampa, Paris / François Ghebaly, Los Angeles / Studio Guenzani, Milan / Dan Gunn, Berlin / Andreas Huber, Wien / L’Incontro, Chiari / A arte Studio Invernizzi, Milan / kaufmann repetto, Milan / Kendall Koppe, Glasgow / Andrew Kreps, New York / Matteo Lampertico, Milan / Laveronica, Modica / Elaine Levy Project, Brussels / David Lewis, New York / Josh Lilley, London / Lisson Gallery, London-Milan-New York-Singapore / Lorenzelli Arte, Milan / Luce, Turin / Magazzino, Rome / Main Gallery, Tirana-Los Angeles / Gió Marconi, Milan / Primo Marella, Milan / Mary Mary, Glasgow / Mathew, Berlin / Mazzoleni, Turin / Meyer Riegger, Berlin-Karlsruhe / Francesca Minini, Milan / Massimo Minini, Brescia / The Modern Institute / Toby Webster, Glasgow / Monitor, Rome / Nero, Arezzo / NON, Istanbul / Nuova Galleria Morone, Milan / Lorcan O’Neill, Rome / OHWOW, Los Angeles / Open Art, Prato / P420, Bologna / Francesco Pantaleone, Palermo / Peres Projects, Berlin / Plan B, Cluj-Berlin / Poggiali e Forconi, Florence / Poleschi Arte, Milan-Forte dei Marmi-Lucca / Praxis, Buenos Aires-New York / Eva Presenhuber, Zurich / Progettoarte-Elm, Milan / Project Native Informant, London / prometeogallery, Milan / Proposte d’Arte, Legnano / Raucci/Santamaria, Napoli / Repetto, Acqui Terme-Milan / Michela Rizzo, Venice / Robilant Voena, London-Milan / Thaddaeus Ropac, Paris-Salzburg / Lia Rumma, Milan-Naples / Studio SALES di Norberto Ruggeri, Rome / Federica Schiavo, Rome / Libby Sellers, London / Micky Schubert, Berlin / Mimmo Scognamiglio, Milan / SMAC Art Gallery, Cape Town-Stellenbosch / Southard Reid, London / Spazia, Bologna / SpazioA, Pistoia / Sprovieri, London-Rio de Janeiro / Standard (Oslo), Oslo / Gregor Staiger, Zurich / Studio Marconi ’65, Milan / Supplement, London / Swing, Benevento / T293, Naples-Rome / Talents Design, Tel Aviv / Tega, Milan / The Gallery Apart, Rome / Tonelli, Milan / Tornabuoni Arte, Florence-Portofino-Forte dei Marmi-Paris / Toselli, Milan / Steve Turner Contemporary, Los Angeles / Valmore Studio d’Arte, Vicenza / Federico Vavassori, Milan / VI, VII, Oslo / Vilma Gold, London / Jonathan Viner, London / Studio Giangaleazzo Visconti, Milan / Vistamare, Pescara / Whatiftheworld, Cape Town / VeneKlasen/Werner – Michael Werner Gallery, Berlin-New York-London / ZERO…, Milan

Curated by Giovanni Carmine and Alexis Vaillant

Carla Accardi
Massimo Minini, Brescia
Nicolas Party
The Modern Institute / Toby Webster, Glasgow

John Divola
Laura Bartlett, London
Oscar Tuazon
Eva Presenhuber, Zurich

Jimmie Durham
Sprovieri, London-Rio de Janeiro
Luca Francesconi
Fluxia, Milan

Imi Knoebel
Thaddaeus Ropac, Paris-Salzburg
Elad Lassry
Massimo De Carlo, Milan-London

Paolo Icaro
P420, Bologna
Jonathan Binet
Gaudel de Stampa, Paris

Rudolf Polanszky
Ancient & Modern, London and Andreas Huber, Wien
Sonia Kacem
Gregor Staiger, Zurich and T293, Rome-Naples

Mario Schifano
Studio Marconi ’65, Milan
Cory Arcangel
Lisson Gallery, London-Milan-New York-Singapore

Giuseppe Uncini
Fumagalli, Milan
Matias Faldbakken
Standard (Oslo), Oslo

Curated by Abaseh Mirvali

Collaborative project | Rokni Haerizadeh, Ramin Haerizadeh, Hesam Rahmanian & Iman Raad, Isabelle van den Eynde, Dubai
Waldemar Zimbelmann, Meyer Riegger, Berlin-Karlsruhe 
Goldin Senneby and Meriç Algün Ringborg, NON, Istanbul 
Gaspar Libedinsky, Praxis, Buenos Aires-New York 
Edgar Orlaineta, Steve Turner Contemporary, Los Angeles

Curated by Andrew Bonacina

Rod Barton, London / Thomas Brambilla, Bergamo / Sandy Brown, Berlin / Carlos / Ishikawa, London / C L E A R I N G, Brooklyn-Brussels / Essex Street, New York / Freedman Fitzpatrick, Los Angeles / Freymond Guth, Zurich / Lars Friedrich, Berlin / Frutta, Rome / Gasconade, Milan / Dan Gunn, Berlin / Kendall Koppe, Glasgow / David Lewis, New York / Luce, Turin / Mathew, Berlin / Project Native Informant, London / Southard Reid, London / Supplement, London / VI, VII, Oslo

Curated by Federica Sala

Aria d’Italia, Milan / Luisa Delle Piane, Milan / Demosmobilia, Chiasso / Design Gallery Milan, Milan / Dilmos, Milan / Erastudio, Milan / Nero, Arezzo / Libby Sellers, London / Swing, Benevento / Talents Design, Tel Aviv

We look forward to seeing you at miart 2014.


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