ALLIUM By ALLIUM | agosto 26, 2016 | United States

HO.MI. New York fair proves to be a great success. The US is an ever more key market for Italian companies

HO.MI. New York signs off. The event, an American-based version of Fiera Milano's Italian lifestyle show, was designed to provide a high-class setting for Made in Italy companies in the home industry that are looking towards the North American market.

Over 33,000 visitors attended the event, up 6% on 2015, held in New York's Jacob K. Javits Center at the same time as the International Contemporary Furniture Fair (ICFF), one of the leading North American shows in the home decoration and furniture industry. HO.MI. New York was an opportunity for Italian hospitality and international taste to come together, inspiring exhibitors and international buyers in one of the markets were top quality, Made in Italy design objects and accessories are highly sought after.

American buyers see the Italian combination of tradition and its awesome ability to keep developing as essential when seeking unique beauty, excellence and elegance. It is this desire that makes items designed and manufactured in Italy such in-demand products in North America, with exceptional added value. The event really stood out for its careful selection of products and striking, emotive settings.

In addition, Italian Luxury Interiors, organised by ICE (an agency to promote Italian companies abroad and help them become more international) in collaboration with CNA, Confartigianato and the artistic direction of Artex, was truly able to recreate rooms in Italian style and spirit. This glamorous section showcased a series of carefully selected products, chosen to convey the genuine feel of Made in Italy and Italian style. Finally, hosting this event in the US was also an opportunity to make American buyers aware of the upcoming HOMI, from 16 to 19 September 2016, thus helping to grow and consolidated business relationships.



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