Monday, 31 March 2025


Alice Willi By Alice Willi | June 02, 2014 | United States

By our correspondent in Vaprio d'Adda: Seminars, Cooking Shows, Workshops, Wine and Food Tastings, Creative labs for kids, B2B Meetings

From May 30th to June 2nd, the charming Villa Castelbarco in Vaprio d’Adda hosted  a fair about the best Italian wine and food delights. The event, organized by the Associazione Culturale Signum in Bergamo, addressed the 2015 Expo pivotal theme: healthy and sustainable nutrition. Spreaded over a 10.000 m2 set-up, in this is fascinating location, the fair  featured  all those qualities such as taste, traditions, culinary culture, creativity, passion for beauty, that made Italy the internationally recognized land of excellent food.

Small Italian producers in the winery and food business, often considered as a niche, shown their products to the general public. 20.000 people and 80 companies  attended  the event.  Alta Qualità focused on the advocacy of the Made in Italy mark and its best practices: respect for tradition, wastes management and the conservation of homelands. Both professionals and visitors had a chance to taste products, attended top-experts lead cooking workshops and shows.

Household names  in the food business were at the event: on June 2nd, thanks to the Fondazione Love-Difference, the artist Michelangelo Pistoletto  joined  in a conversation with Slow Food’s President, Carlo Petrini, and Prof. Luciano Valle. As a moderator, Prof. Davide Rampello, Director of Padiglione Zero at the Expo Milano 2015.

Alta Qualità was also ground for cultural growth and solidarity: 1 euro from each ticket was donated to Cesvi’s development projects. Besides the event will support Slow Food’s Università di Scienze Gastronomiche di Pollenzo and the local Slow Food presidia.

From the opening, on Friday at 10.00am to 10.00pm and, on Saturday from 9.00am to 11.00am, the event was  committed to B2B, in order to put exhibitors and buyers in touch with each other.

From Saturday at 11.00am and Monday at 18.00, the event was open to public: in addition to walking around the stalls located in the park and in the magnificent rooms of Villa Castelbarco, visitors were able to attend the “Laboratori del Gusto” (advance booking was required), seminars, meetings, books and magazines launches. A real food for thought, both culture and reading was highly regarded by setting up a literary cafè and a thematic bookshop in collaboration with the Caffè del Caravaggio, Pasticceria Giovanni Pina, Oltre Edizioni, Credito Bergamasco, Fondazione Credito Bergamasco for its exhibition on Palma Il Vecchio.

Alta Quality  took children in consideration, as they strongly believe in food education for the next generations. They had the chance to learn by playing inside a special area, a “yurte”village (a one-of-a-kind event in Europe), tiny mobile eco-houses staged for the occasion in the gardens of the Villa and managed by skilled educators.

Meetings covered  various subjects, such as business network contracts by Confartigianato Monza and Milano, Adapt, Associazione ISSEI; connections among agricolture, food and design; environmental sustainability; new applied technologies for the wine and food business; vegan diet.

 Alta Qualità dealed extensively with the restaurant industry, as visitors  had the chance to taste excellent street food, joined in show cookings and a restaurant service that was going to provide food with ingredients reccomended by exhibitors.

The events was supported by the Expo 2015 – Nutrire il Pianeta , Comune di Vaprio d’Adda and the Associazione Amici di Leonardo in collaboration with four local Slow Food branches (Monza, Bassa Bergamasca, Gorgonzola e Bergamo) and also by Confartigianato Milano-Monza e Brianza, CESVI, Adapt, Fondazione Love Difference, Credito Bergamasco, Campari, Ostificio Prealpino, Imetec, Vino Libero, Vipot, Scame Parre, Ecorace, Centro di Etica Ambientale Lombardia, Novamont, ONAV, Com.pri.tal, ACMI, Zalando, Coop Lombardia, Caffe del Caravaggio, Acqua Bracca, Minitalia-Leolandia and Edizioni Oltre.

A special thanks to Coop Lombardia to supported  the communication and the press conference.

Nearby, at the Casa del Custode delle Acque (Parco dell’Adda), visitors  have also found a an interactive gallery set up by the Politecnico di Milano with 30 reproductions of Leonardo’s famous machines, the worldwide celebrated artist who lived and worked for seven years at Vaprio d’Adda.

The event  also focused on the history of art, launching the 2015 exhibition on Palma il Vecchio organized by the Fondazione Creberg. 

Alta Qualità aimed to interest food lovers and experts and to promote the culture of well-being, strictly related to healthy nutrition. AQ is a longterm project. This fair was just the beginning. They already scheduled 5 events that  lead  AQ deep into the heart of Expo 2015, which subject will be “Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life”.


Villa Castelbarco Via per Concesa, 4 - 20069 Vaprio D'Adda Milano

ph.: 035/ 24 71 31

Press & Public Relations: 348 5100463 3936096511

  • Tags:   Alta Qualita’ Villa Castelbarco Vaprio d’Adda Milano Associazione Culturale Signum Bergamo 2015 Expo Made in Italy Fondazione Love-Difference Michelangelo Pistoletto Slow Food’s President_Carlo Petrini Prof. Luciano Valle Prof. Davide Rampello_Director of Padiglione Zero at the Expo Milano 2015 Cesvi Slow Food’s Università di Scienze Gastronomiche di Pollenzo Caffè del Caravaggio Pasticceria Giovanni Pina Oltre Edizioni Credito Bergamasco Fondazione Credito Bergamasco Palma Il Vecchio yurte village Confartigianato Monza and Milano Adapt Associazione ISSEI Comune di Vaprio d’Adda Associazione Amici di Leonardo Campari Ostificio Prealpino Imetec Vino Libero Vipot Scame Parre Ecorace Centro di Etica Ambientale Lombardia Novamont ONAV Com.pri.tal ACMI Zalando Coop Lombardia Acqua Bracca Minitalia-Leolandia and Edizioni Oltre Politecnico di Milano
  • Categories:  Arts Business Culture Education Good News Healthy Living Life & Style Parents Politics School Science Tech Travel Women

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