Walk To End Alzheimer's

Alice Willi By Alice Willi | noviembre 10, 2012 | United States

Today, November 10, 2012 Hollywood Beach was enriched with a new example of self generosity: so many people have come together to deal with the fight against Alzheimer's.

The day in Hollywood Beach was pleasant, with a slight breeze but a very nice temperature, people were able to walk together in comfortable clothing and lightweight.

All the Broadwalk  was filled with various colors: green volunteers, purple or blue t-shirt with the inscription “Walk To End Alzheimer's” ............. other yellow shirts ... other black… each  sponsored by an Association, a Store, a Condominium..............

Below you can see some pictures of the walk and the overview of the Broadwalk with the people present.

To eliminate Alzheimer’s disease through the advancement of research; to provide and enhance and support for all affected; and to reduce the risk of dementia through the promotion of brain health.

This memorable “Walk to End Alzheimer’s”  is held every year in more than 600 communities nationwide, a inspiring event that invites participants of all ages and abilities to come together to reclaim the future for millions of people. Together to find a cure for Alzheimer's disease, the sixth leading cause of death of the American nation.

“Walk to End Alzheimer's” unites the entire community in a display of combined strength and dedication in the fight against this devastating disease. There is no registration fee, but each participant must raise funds in order to contribute to the cause and raise awareness. The Alzheimer's Association provides free tools and personal support to help each participant reach their fundraising goal.

During a walk you can learn more about Alzheimer's disease and the support programs and services offered by the local Association.

As you walk you have the opportunity also to be able to speak and listen to the experiences of other people involved, in one way or another, with the cause and learn about initiatives to raise awareness and enrollment in clinical trials. These experiences, in addition to other on-site opportunities, help each participant connect to their reason for walking.

We walk...to honor and remember those we have lost.

We walk...because we have the power to make a difference and fight back.

We walk...so future generations won't have to face Alzheimer's.

We walk...to share our story of living with Alzheimer's and join together to raise awareness and funds. 

Take the first step to a world without Alzheimer’s by finding a Walk near you. Once you register, you will have access to a wide range of tools and support through your Participant Center, ensuring a successful and fulfilling experience.

  • Tags:   Walk To End Alzheimer's November_10 2012 Hollywood_Beach self_generosity people together fight against Alzheimer's Broadwalk colors green_volunteers purple blue_t-shirt yellow_shirts black Association Store Condominium pictures walk overview Mission Alzheimer’s_disease research enhance support risk dementia promotion brain_health 600_communities_nationwide participants ages abilities sixth leading cause death American_nation community registration fee Alzheimer's_Association personal_support help fundraising_goal support_programs services local_Association experiences raise_awareness enrollment clinical_trials reason_for_walking power difference future_generations first_step world_without_Alzheimer’s
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