Technology, Collaboration and the Italian Wine Event of the Year

peter g. evans By peter g. evans | mayo 25, 2013 | United States

Early 2013 saw a breakthrough program for wine technology and collaboration, when Colangelo and Partners brought Vinitaly and Slow Wine together for first time ever. This historic collaboration created the year’s most comprehensive days of Italian wine tasting in New York City and Miami Beach.

At the events, which attracted an unprecedented 1,700 members of the wine trade, Slow Wine introduced the iOS app version of the Slow Wine guide, which now includes interactive maps for US consumers to find Slow Wine-reviewed wines in their local shops and restaurants across the US.

Slow Wine is a division of Slow Food International that evaluates wineries practicing good, clean and fair production methods.

The app is available on the Apple Store for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch ($8.99). A paperback version is available on (SRP $25) and in select bookstores.

Vinitaly launched the latest iteration of Vinitaly Interactive, an iPad app designed to enable trade show attendees to take electronic tasting notes while gathering useful feedback for exhibitors.

Shop Wine & Dine hosted a drawing for one lucky attendee to win a free trip to Piedmont. If you attended any of the Slow Wine events, check out this page to find out who the winner is!

  • Tags:   Colangelo_and_Partners Technology Italian_Wine_Event Vinitaly Slow Wine New York City Miami Beach 1 700_members wine_trade iOS_app_version Slow_Wine_guide interactive_maps US_consumers Slow_Wine-reviewed_wines local_shops restaurants US Slow_Food_International wineries Apple_Store iPhone iPad iPod_Touch $8.99 paperback_version SRP $25 Vinitaly_Interactive electronic_tasting feedback exhibitors Shop_Wine & Dine Piedmont Slow_Wine_events
  • Categories:  Business Culture Education Good News Healthy Living Life & Style Media Politics Tech Travel

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