Monday, 31 March 2025


EDITOR IN CHIEF By EDITOR IN CHIEF | May 06, 2022 | United States


April 2022 Celebration of the Chief Cultural Officer Day

April 2022 Certification of 24 new Chief Cultural Officers

February 2022 World SUMMIT UPF 2022 Seoul

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November 2021: Renaissance Evolution becomes the Agency (ENTE) for the Italian Government and the Consulate General of Miami to promote Italian Culture in South East of the USA and the Caribbean.

November 2021 FITCE 2021 - The Presidential Network Reception hosted by Renaissance Evolution. Con Vinicio Cerezo de Guatemala; Jamil Mahuad de Ecuador, Carlos Mesa y Jorge Quiroga de Bolivia y Luis Alberto Lacalle del Uruguay.

PANEL: "The Future of Sustainable Global Expansion"

Moderator: Dr. Roberto Masiero, President of Renaissance Evolution

  1. Cesar Grajales, Spokesperson, LIBRE Initiative & Americans for Prosperity
  2. Carlos Díaz-Rosillo, Founding Director of the Adam Smith Center at FIU
  3. Paul Choiseul, Vice President of New Products and Technology at American Tower
  4. His Excellency Dawood Al Shezawi, President & CEO, Annual Investment Meeting
  5. Jose Rodriguez, Chief Strategy & Development Officer at Renaissance Evolution
  6. Jag Badwal, Agent-General, Government of Ontario, Canada
  7. Gregory Haile, President, Broward College

April 2021 Broward County proclaim April 28th the “Chief Cultural Officer Day”

April 2021 Panel: The Role of the Chief Cultural Officer.

Renaissance Evolution and Alan B. Levan Center of Innovation

Moderator: John Wensveen, Ph.D., Executive Director at the Alan B. Levan / NSU Broward Center of Innovation

  1. Darrell Booker, Corporate Affairs Specialist, Microsoft
  2. Octavio Ibarra, Dean of Business School, Universidad del norte
  3. Russ Shaw CBE, Founder, Global Tech Advocates
  4. Paola Isaac Baraya, Economic Development Specialist at the Broward County
  5. Jose Rodriguez, Chief Strategy & Development Officer, Renaissance Evolution

February 2020 World Summit 2020 “Peace, Security and Human Development” Seoul, Korea

December 2019 ERGO / Round table – New York City

December 2019 Cybersecurity Observatory – Vatican

October 2019 FITCE 2019 (Florida International and Cultural Expo)

The Role of Ethics, Culture & Diplomacy in Global Business

Welcome remarks: 

·      Mario Baccini, President of ENM

·      Hon. Pier Ferdinando Casini

·      Hon. Mara Carfagna

Moderator: Father Alberto CutieTelevision and Radio Host

  1. The Honorable Michael UdineBroward County Commissioner
  2. The Honorable Ted Deutch, U.S Congressman (District 22)
  3. Dr. Anthony J. DENapoli, Dean of International Affairs, NSU
  4. Dr. Roberto Masiero, Founder of Renaissance Evolution Inc
  5. Jose Rodriguez, Chief Strategy & Development Officer, Renaissance Evolution
  6. Art Estopinan, President the Estopinan Group
  7. John Dickson, President World Trade & Development Group
  8. Col. Noel Zamot, US Air-Force


USMCA Briefing

October 2018 FITCE 2018 (Florida International and Cultural Expo)

Introduction of Renaissance Evolution to the delegates of 63 Countries

In November 2017 Renaissance Evolution decides to locate the headquarters on Pennsylvania Avenue, Wahington D.C. in front of the National Archives.



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