Message from Roberto Masiero. Chairman of Home Italia USA.

EDITOR IN CHIEF By EDITOR IN CHIEF | abril 21, 2020 | United States

It all starts with making connection...

It all starts with making connection.

Throughout my life, I've had the privilege of working on multimillion-dollar projects with some of the most accomplished leaders and change makers in the world today. The aforementioned reality has helped me understand and confirm the importance of establishing a connection. It’s also contributed to my perfecting the talent of seeing what the future may hold.

I am also all about collaboration, thus, as such I’ve always loved the idea of creating epicenters of opportunities. Due to the fact that I’ve known Luca and his magazine for a long time, I understand his concept. Like Luca, I knew that Home Italia could become an epicenter of opportunities for architects, designers and companies in the United States.

Home Italia is the essential design platform and voice for the interior design and architecture community.  Published quarterly (with additional supplements), our main goal is to connect professionals and create opportunities, as well as highlight the breakthrough projects, innovative products, and challenging ideas that make our world a better and more efficient place.

Through print, digital, and face-to-face options, we're working to better understand the future of the workplace: hospitality, retail, healthcare, technology, and education sectors from an architectural and design perspective. With articles from a variety of professionals, Home Italia offers insight and analysis about the ever-evolving fields of architecture and design from the inside out (and occasionally from the outside in).

Home Italia magazine emphasizes the relevance and value of commercial design, focusing on the powerful way designers transform business and institutional environments. Our daily insights, market reports, big ideas, and project case studies transform the most influential emerging design trends and research into incisive analysis. Everything we do is focused on our goal of helping our audience explore new ideas, find new direction, and be inspired by who and what is new and what’s to come.

Home Italia is more than just a magazine. It’s a gateway through which we also hold live events that promote conversation as well as offer the ideal setting for developing up-close-and-personal connections with stimulating thinkers and practitioners in the design field. Our events are designed to facilitate networking and encourage collaboration.  You emerge from them challenged to think in a fresh way about the future of design. We do this all in an engaging way that is inspiring, informative, and fun, with the simple aim to help our core audience of architects and designers stay ahead of the curve, become and remain leaders in the field

Home Italia USA is a showcase of the best design happening on a global scale.

It is exquisite Italian taste expressed with an American accent.

Roberto Masiero

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