Saturday, 22 February 2025

British women hanker for designer vaginas.

david kingstrom By david kingstrom | August 17, 2013 | United Kingdom

Lady bits are the latest area of concern to women, according to new statistics.

Labiaplasty involves reconstructing the shape and size of the inner labia  and it's now the third most popular procedure in the UK, says surgery search engine

"The increase in interest in the procedure is particularly pronounced over the last six months.  All surgery carries some risk of complications arising and these should be discussed in advance of any treatment with the surgeon involved".

The debate surrounding labiaplasty has always been heated.

Is surgery to give you a "designer vagina" a tool for female empowerment or an example of the way in which women have become prey to an increasingly X-rated culture?

Paul Banwell, a BAAPS spokesperson and surgeon at his practice Banwell Clinic in East Grinstead, said:  "About half my patients want labiaplasty for function - due to discomfort and problems with exercise. The other half want it purely for aesthetic reasons.  I thinks these statistics reflect general trends in cosmetic surgery. In terms of ethics, people have to realise there is a rise and it's difficult to determine why.  I think is  as some women with large large breasts want smaller ones, and those with small breasts might want larger ones, it's the same with labiaplasty.

All patients that I see are normal people.  Sometimes there is asymmetry they want correcting or ladies will have very large labia which interferes with daily activities and intercourse. They range from old to young, professionals, even women in their 50s and 60s.  The procedure comes at a considerable cost. with the average price in the UK currently being £2,564, but ranges from £1,300 to £3,700 depending on the clinic".

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