Monday, 31 March 2025

Anxiety (part 1)

Alice Willi By Alice Willi | January 15, 2018 | United States

Suddenly and without apparent reason do you suffer from tachycardia, sweating, or trembling? Don't you know what's happening to you? It does not matter if you are young or you already have a certain age ... do not underestimate these symptoms, your body and your brain are sending you signals ... something asks for your attention.

Maybe you go through a stage of your life that does not satisfy you, for various reasons, the triggering factor can be any.

Looking for a new job and do not find it ..., the love relationship you have does not make you happy ..., you feel useless ..., you get fat and you do not accept it...., You look in the mirror and ...... the person you see is not you!

At work or while driving or at home alone you have a sense of suffocation, chest pains, fierce headaches, you are scared, you want to ask for help but you think that others will judge you ... "crazy". You know you're not well and at the same time you do not know what you have.

Anxiety is something that can affect even the very young, the transition through adolescence can lead to tremendous dissatisfaction.

Even children in the first years of life can suffer from the sense of abandonment on the part of the mother, so it is so important, for example, the gradual insertion in the nursery school.

At every stage of life we ​​can be struck by anxiety, fear, phobias. If they are not resolved, with the help of specialists or medications, they can cause people to get worse, even for long years or for a lifetime.

The term "anxiety" finds its direct correspondent in the Latin anxia, ​​which in turn derives, no doubt, from the Latin verb ango which means to tighten, suffocate or in other words anguish.

So anxiety is that state of agitation, of suffocation of mind in the face of situations of possible danger or uncertainty, more or less accentuated according to the character of each.

Anxiety can be defined as an emotion, in general, of a negative nature if unmotivated. It is often made up of fear and worry, a sense of unease, uncertainty about the future. It often feelings unrelated, apparently, to any specific stimulus. Everything could be fine in our life and we may still be anxious types.

But what caused anxiety?

Anxiety is however a very complex emotion and is composed of many different elements, some of these are somatic, others cognitive and the body, in an anxiety state, is preparing to face an external threat. Heart rate accelerates and blood pressure increases. You can start to have a tremor, a strong sweating, vertigo, tremors, nausea and you can not explain what's going on. Even the various muscles of the body receive high levels of blood. At the same time, the functions of the digestive system slow down.

People who have anxiety, without other external reasons that justify it, generally feel a sense of unmotivated terror. A number of voluntary and involuntary processes begin in the body, and the goal of these processes is to move the body away from the source that is causing anxiety. Anxiety is anyway an important emotion and is "designed" to increase the survival rate of people.

In extreme cases, people with anxiety disorders may have moments or strong crises in which they are terrified, they can not move, they think they are about to die.

Only from 800 onwards anxiety has been progressively conceived as a "mental" disease to be treated with drugs and through psychotherapy, the etymological meaning is to be understood as "soul therapy".

So what's the difference between anxiety and fear, how can I distinguish one from the other?

Fear (which can still cause anxiety ...) is a functional reaction that allows you to face an immediate danger. It is a fundamental "resource" in case of attack and flight that allows us to mobilize all our resources to face a threat or, alternatively, to escape from it. For this reason, under the right circumstances, a reaction of fear can save our lives.

Fear has just this aspect of "immediacy" in contrast with the act of "prediction" that characterizes anxiety.

A fair degree of anxiety (therefore not excessive) allows us to be more performing than when we are calm.   In man, however, anxiety often goes beyond its useful aspects because anxious reactions are generalized to a series of different situations.

In the same way, anxiety helps us to identify future threats and to protect ourselves against them, planning hypothetical scenarios in which we could be involved and, in that case, the possible situations to be faced.

In the coming days the following ... see you soon



  • Tags:   Anxiety depression crazy sense of abandonment soul therapy mental disease fear immediacy prediction
  • Categories:  Healthy Living

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