Friday, 26 July 2024

Samuel meets with Celebs at Knoxville Comic Con

samuel  flynn By samuel flynn | July 15, 2019 | United States

So I did visit Knoxville Comic Con and It was great you actually could meet celebrities face to face there.

So the very first celebrity I met was Heather Haley one of WVLT Local 8 News Reporters and Weather Lady.

The Second one was Elliot Russell wrestler .

Anyways How I got involved was some friends of mine asked me to go to this event and So I did.

It was amazing there was 30,000 people there aprox. ,;I just had lots of fun actually meeting the actors you see on your screen everyday.

Thank You to the friends that invited me to go and Thank you Celebrities for taking the time to take some pictures with me and talk with me too .

You guys were awesome!

However I did get to meet the famous actor (Christopher Sean aka Christopher Sean Friel) had an awesome talk with him.







  • Tags:   Christopher Sean Samuel Brock Flynn Media News
  • Categories:  Entertainment

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