Saturday, 22 February 2025

Kate so pretty in pink to welcome world's royals to Queen's Jubilee lunch

david kingstrom By david kingstrom | May 19, 2012 | United Kingdom

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge today joined dozens of royals from around the globe for a special lunch celebrating the Queen's Diamond Jubilee.

Wearing a pink Emilia Wickstead dress with pleated skirt, Kate looked entirely at ease as she mingled with the international royals,

A sneak peek at the seating plan showed there were 24 Kings and Queens, one Emperor, a Grand Duke and a Sultan.

Eight princesses, an Emir and a lone Empress added a further layer of gravitas to the mix.

Today's World Sovereign’s lunch at Windsor Castle to celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee was almost certainly the largest gathering of crowned heads of state since our own Queen’s coronation in 1953.

Prince Albert II of Monaco was more formal with just a handshake while his wife, Princess Charlene, gave a low curtsey.

The most extravagant welcome, however, came from Queen Beatrix of Netherland who flung open her arms as she approached the Queen before kissing her warmly.

All senior members of the British Royal Family were present including the Duchess of Cambridge, Prince William, and brother-in-law, Prince Harry, as well as other younger royals including Prince Andrew‚  his daughters, Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie.

The event had the atmosphere of a family gathering, despite the opulent surroundings, with everyone chatting loudly as they caught up.

The British Royal Family circulated around the chamber mingling with their foreign guests.

Each group had at least one sovereign and their spouse, a member of the British royal family and a member of the royal Household seated together.

On the menu was a starter of poached egg with English asparagus, noisettes of new season Windsor lamb and juicy Kent-grown strawberries.

Before the guests sat down to lunch, 21 crowned heads and the six foreign royals representing their sovereigns sat down for a group picture.

They filed into a room where chairs and standing places had been set up with their home country's flags placed where they should be.

  • Tags:   Duke and Duchess of Cambridge Kate William Queen's Diamond Jubilee Emilia Wickstead pink Emperor Grand Duke Sultan princesses Emir Empress Windsor Castle Albert II of Monaco Charlene Queen Beatrix of Netherland
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