The bizarre “Pillow balaclava”

Maria Arancha Sanchez By Maria Arancha Sanchez | septiembre 28, 2012 | Spain

Bizarre invention means people can nap anywhere wearing a "pillow balaclava". Most of us have nodded off on the early morning train to work.

But whereas it would normally mean waking up with a stiff neck, a bizarre invention means people can now comfortably nap anywhere they like - whether it's at a desk, an airport or on a train.

Ali Ganjavian dreamt up The Ostrich Pillow, name is inspired by the way ostriches bury their heads in the sand, a cross between a luxury pillow and a balaclava which wearers can rest their head and hands inside.

The inventor, who was born in Romsey, Hampshire, said: "We spend many hours working all day and sleep is an essential part of our day.   So I thought why not create a product that can help us unwind at work".

Mr Ganjavian, who now lives in Madrid, Spain, said:  "I think it's a useful product that makes you smile whenever you see it".

The Ostrich Pillow is made from washable fabric and comes in different colours.    It has a hole for the wearer's mouth and two shelters above the ears for their hands - ideal if they want to rest their head for a quick snooze.   The 50 pound The Ostrich Pillow is already proving popular - 500 sales in its first week - but Mr Ganjavian says he needs 70,000 to keep going.   The pillow is produced by Kawamura Ganjavian Studios, the firm Mr Ganjavian set up with a friend from university in 2000.    They now have offices in America, France, Spain, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

  • Tags:   Bizarre Pillow_balaclava invention people nap desk airport train Ali Ganjavian Ostrich_Pillow way ostriches bury heads sand inventor Romsey Hampshire Mr Ganjavian Madrid Spain washable_fabric colours snooze 50 pound 500 sales 70 000 Kawamura_Ganjavian_Studios firm friend university 2000 offices America France Switzerland United Kingdom.
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